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MPP.org Where Do They Stand - 2016 Presidential candidates and marijuana policy

Where Do The 2016 Presidential Candidates Stand On Marijuana Policy?

by | Feb 1, 2016 | Latest News

This year is another election year, and with the recent rise in state legalization of marijuana,  it’s no surprise that marijuana policy is set to be one of the bigger issues for the next President of the United States.

Here’s what 2016 Presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders had to say about marijuana policy during the Democratic Debate:

Here’s what former Secretary of State and 2016 Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton had to say about her views on marijuana policy during the Democratic Debate:

Here’s what Sen. Rand Paul and Governor Jeb Bush had to say about marijuana legalization and medical marijuana during the Repeublican Presidential Debate:

Where Do They Stand

MPP.org Where Do They Stand - 2016 Presidential candidates and marijuana policy
The Marijuana Policy Project has put together a comprehensive list of the current 2016 Presidential candidates and their stance on marijuana legalization for both medical and recreational purposes.

You can view each candidate’s personal views and statements on current marijuana policy and also contact each candidate to let them know your thoughts about the current state of marijuana policy in the United States.

Be sure to visit MPP.org to see the full list of candidates and more information on how you can help change the marijuana policies in the USA.

Do you think marijuana should be legalized for medical use?

What do you think about legalization for recreational use among adults?

What are your thoughts on decriminalization?

Let us know your view in the comments below.

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